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9.9. Quotas

The quota system allows limiting disk space allocated to a user or group of users. To set it up, you must have a kernel that supports it (compiled with the CONFIG_QUOTA option) — as is the case of Debian kernels. The quota management software is found in the quota Debian package.
To activate them in a filesystem, you have to indicate the usrquota and grpquota options in /etc/fstab for the user and group quotas, respectively. Rebooting the computer will then update the quotas in the absence of disk activity (a necessary condition for proper accounting of already used disk space).
The edquota user (or edquota -g group) command allows you to change the limits while examining current disk space usage.
The quota system allows you to set four limits:
A “soft” limit can be temporarily exceeded; the user will simply be warned that they are exceeding the quota by the warnquota command, which is usually invoked by cron. A “hard” limit can never be exceeded: the system will refuse any operation that will cause a hard quota to be exceeded.
With the edquota -t command, you can define a maximum authorized “grace period” within which a soft limit may be exceeded. After this period, the soft limit will be treated like a hard limit, and the user will have to reduce their disk space usage to within this limit in order to be able to write anything to the hard drive.